Journey of Mind Body and Health.
Hello all,
This is my first post in my first ever blogsite, I don't know what to write really so I will start with a little bit of information about myself.
I think that once I start getting a hang of this thing "blogs", "writing", etc, I might start writing about some real stuff that you all might like. I am an amateur here and a late bloomer into this whole online environment. Like, I literally was scared to do anything online as I thought that any wrong click would cause me to loose money or get my accounts hacked and I would become broke or something. Plus, the idea of expressing something or sharing something with the world scared me.
This is not the case now, like 60-70% it is not the case now. Now I am more confident and a little bit more expressive than what I was before.
Actually, I am in my mid 20's and starting out with a blogsite as I want to become famous in someway without really showing my face. Or, I might show my face in future when I am 100% confident and stop cringing over myself
I am a 25 year old 6'3 400 pound man who is currently having many ailments like; diabetes, fatty liver, hypothyroidism and Stress induced IBS.
Now, I thought that as my situation is a bit medical related so why not write stuff about health and nutrition and show you my fat to fit transformation journey online, However, I think that I should keep my options open and write about everything here, be it personal, social, economical, health and financial topics as well as topics about lifestyle and gadgets.
Today I will write about how life is going on and how my 2024 went.
So, In the last year I have made many changes and have taken many decisions that is benefiting me today, in 2025.
1. I was always laying down as I could not walk more than a mile without having back cramps; What I did was that I started giving myself monthly targets of increasing my steps 500 to 1000 per week. This really benefitted me as after 1 year I can walk 10K with little aches and pains in my body. I am aiming to run 10K by the next year and reduce my weight to 300 pounds.
2. I understood that my backpains was also due to underlying inflammations, so I started liver medications as well as changed my diet, I started taking turmeric milk twice a day and cut down on my sugar intake. I reduced my frequency of eating junk food and increased water intake.
3. I also started diabetes medication to control my diabetes and after 1 year of medication, I can say that my fasting blood sugar is generally 90-110 and my post lunch and dinner blood sugar spikes to 140-160. I am not eating daily refined sugar, I eat it once or twice a month plus eat desserts once or twice a week in small quantity.
4. For my Hypothyroidism, I have started a medication which has changed my life somehow. I used to shiver in cold temperatures and winters were torture for me, Now I can manage winter temperatures and don't need to use hot water for showering etc.
5. I have become serious about my life and career, this is because I know that with the diseases I have, even after careful lifestyle I will not cross 30s, 60s or 70s, so really I have good 30-40-50 years left if lived carefully and I need to start making Tonnes of money by doing the things I love now and not wait for some calling in future, ( This is the main reason for me to take a risk and start writing online because I want to become something really fast) I don't want regrets in my life and want to achieve everything that I wanted to achieve but was too scared to take action on.
I guess, the best way to achieve something in life right now is document it, So what I am thinking right now is that, I will start documenting my journey from now on and all the learnings I get from my day to day. I will also post about what my thoughts or maybe about something I like, so it will all be random I guess, maybe at some point I get some structure here "with my thoughts and what I would post here" till then, I think you will get random posts about random stuff going on in my life.
I hope you all like my blogs here and keep supporting me in my journey.
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